
751046 / 751047 / 751048

Stability Plus Gel-Foam Cushion

Stability Plus Gel-Foam Cushion

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Stability Plus Gel-Foam Cushion
Stability Plus Gel-Foam Cushion
售價 : HK$ (暫不接受網上付款)
  • A pressure relief and resdistribution cushion
  • High-density foam base to prevent bottoming out
  • Four separate gel chambers to assure stability
  • Incontinent-proof vinyl inner cover prevents urine from entering cushion
  • Raised pommel to control sliding
  • Low-Shear I launderable outer cover reduces skin damaging friction
  • Water-based gel to provide pressure relief, weight distribution and therapeutic cooling
  • Size :
    751046 ~ 16"W x 16"D x 2.5"H
    751047 ~ 18"W x 16"D x 2.5"H
    751048 ~ 20"W x 16"D x 2.5"H
  • Please contact us for more details.

  • 以上產品特點、規格及圖片,只供參考。
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